~Brought up 2 SharE~

"Remember to Remember"

Birthday Celebration Part 1: A Prologue at Hau Kee, Cheras

Last Friday, after having long bargains and was kinda worn-out thanks to crowd at PC fair, we went to Yulek, Cheras for a dinner. A dinner with my high schools buddies which was organized with an intention to celebrate my birthday in advance :)

Although it was my first time dining at Hau Kee, I've already heard good remarks from Lick and AiWei beforehand, claiming that the food here is delicious! *yeap* it certainly was :)

We were served with Boiled Peanuts once settling ourselves at the corner table. I love having these munchies a lot. A lil' salty and sweet complimenting with each other.

The orders of the night: (so sorry as I don't know the exact name of these dishes)

This serving of beancurd is highly recommended! Delectable gravy jacketing the smooth, soft and silky tofu! I can finish a whole plate of rice with just this share of beancurd *nod nod*

'Sei Tai Tin Wong' which comprises four different types of vegetables cooked with belacan. Another flavoursome plateful of gnawing share.

We made an order of the Brinjal with Fish Cake wrapped in Foil paper since quite a number of patrons ordered it as well and we find it kinda out of the ordinary. Tastewise, it was just mediocre. However, it was very fragrant. The gravy went well with the brinjal and fish cake. I love having brinjals but this is not the type of dish I would go for twice I guess. ;P

Known as the Fruity Spare Ribs, I find this over-tasty! Kinda sourish to my liking ;P Nonetheless, the meat texture were perfect. Very succulent!

and... I made a special request! Since we're dining at a seafood restaurant, I wouldn't wanna miss having my 'beloved' ' crabs!! Have been craving for butter crabs for quite a prolonged period, here's the star of the night!

Claypot Butter Crabs

This crustacean species were definitely fresh!! Coated with excessive and oodles butter gravy, it was lip smacking and finger-licking good! Yummy ;)

What goes well with the buttery sauce? I just can't stop myself from dipping the toasted and crunchy bread relentlessly into the delicious gravy!
A few floggers and friends have been raving about the deliciousness of King Crab's butter crab that Chris and I have always wanted to indulge ourselves on. Hmm... wonder if it's as good as or even more scrumptious than this one? ;P

Satiated definitely, with the total bill of about RM165. .... and we just love camwhoring! Who doesn't? haha...

Thank you guys for the accompaniment of this lovely dinner and the marvelous gift!
Heart them all!

I just had my actual birthday celebration 2 days ago and it was an excellent one!! Even I could not predict what's coming and what's going on! (well, except some minor flaws) LoL..
Thanks to my much-loved family, dear Chris and my beloved friends! Will share the story later on :) I can't wait to tell!! oh my.. still in shock after what happened! ;)

As Chris's birthday is drawing near too, (another December baby), our friends gave him this!

Absolute Mandarin
We helped him finish it on my birthday yesterday! hoho..

Hau Kee Seafood Restaurant
No:12, Jalan Kaskas 2,
Taman Cheras,
56100, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603-9130 0113/ 9131 2013
Fax: 603-9132 8218


ling239 December 13, 2007 at 11:33 AM  

Fruity Spare Ribs looks so delicious... since it is supposed to be fruity i guess tats why it is a bit sourish ~ ^_^

yammylicious December 13, 2007 at 12:04 PM  
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yammylicious December 13, 2007 at 12:25 PM  

love the butter crab!! look super delicious!! finger licking..

daphne December 13, 2007 at 3:32 PM  

what a lovely spread! Love the look of that crab! oh.. and the fruity spare ribs looks great too!

tankiasu December 13, 2007 at 3:54 PM  

Oh happy belated birthday!!!

Sugar Bean December 13, 2007 at 8:18 PM  

Wow, the crab and the bread sure looks delicious! Nice place to visit with your friends! :) Glad you had a great time!

ai wei December 13, 2007 at 8:35 PM  

hohoho, i miss da buttery crab now! it's so lip smacking good! i love all the dishes that day!

HairyBerry December 14, 2007 at 12:57 AM  

all the dishes go well with rice! nice...the fruity spare ribs look good...the crab looks similar to king crab's...taste-wise, cant compare as i hv not tried hau kee before....hehe

ekeng December 14, 2007 at 7:18 AM  

wow...the Claypot Butter Crabs look soooooo delicious..i want i want..but Yulek is a bit far from my place..better i go to Wong Poh Restaurant have their famous butter crabs..hahaha :)

MeiyeN December 14, 2007 at 12:47 PM  

yum yum... da place looks so happening but too bad, just too far away :( glad to hear that you had a blast celebration ;)

~Christine~Leng December 14, 2007 at 2:36 PM  

yea.. i thought so :) it sounded new to me as well ^^

i'm still missing the taste!! omg. it's really good! ;)

the food there was good, no doubt why their business is sooo good!
a 4shops in a row! ^^

Thanks :)

yea.. we did. Maybe you could drop by this place for their other seafoods as well. They looked good ^^

me too! Can't believe you havent been there before! haha.. we should have tried them earlier ^^

I'm so desprate to try King Crab's version! LoL
the dishes really went well with the rice. Yummy. You should try Hau Kee's ;)

I'm eyeing on Wong Poh next! haha ;P

yea.. kinda far from your place. but you can drop by when you're at Cheras area :) I'm sure you'll love the food here gal! ^^

Anonymous December 14, 2007 at 3:19 PM  

happy belated bday girl! yeah everyone is raving about hau kee..u shud try wong poh's butter crab..its good

LianneK December 14, 2007 at 8:32 PM  

happy belated, belated birthday Christine :-)

~Christine~Leng December 16, 2007 at 2:00 PM  

thx :)
I will try it out for sure :)as.. I love crabbys! ;)

hi there:)
and thx!! ;)

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