~Brought up 2 SharE~

"Remember to Remember"

Kenny Rogers saves the Dilemma!

We're always stuck in a situation where we've to decide really long on where to eat next. Especially while you're in Genting! Yes.. you've guessed it right. We're on our way up to Genting again.. Since there's a free room available! (last 2 weekends)

Chris: Let's not waste it. We can go straight to Malacca from there the next morning!
: *ever-more delighted* Bring it on!

dinner time....
me: So what you wanna eat?
Chris: dunno.. U?
: dunno la... Genting food... not nice wan..

: Asian flavours?

: Tried that once.. No good :(

: Then Kenny Rogers. At least their dish are all standardized. Should be ok.

Kenny Rogers Roasters. A common food chain found almost in every corner of different malls. Let's keep the review short *picture heavy post*

Kenny's Chicken Meal (Quarter meal) for RM15.90, with 3 side dishes and a muffin. 2 bucks charged extra compared to KL's pricing.
Rotisserie-roasted to perfection with a unique blend of herbs, spices and citrus, served with their signature sauce. We prefer to have their original sauce instead of black pepper :)

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Side dishes of Potato Salad, Mashed Potato and Gravy... and the Savoury Rice. yummy ;P

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Another order of Jacket Potato Meal from us, since we've not tried any of these before. According to them the potato were freshly baked till 'crisp on the outside and temptingly fluffy within'. Complemented with 3 side dishes as well and a muffin, it's priced at RM15.90. We chose to go for their Cheesy Chicken topping. Other choices of toppings were also available.

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The huge cheesy potato

The side dishes that we went for: Golden Corn & Carrot, Coleslaw and fresh fruit Salad.

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Did you noticed that we had quite a lot of potatoes in our meal? We only figured out that when we're eating! LoL.. Eh? Potato again?

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Vanilla Muffins are my favourite :)

About a month ago........

bro and I went out for lunch at Kenny Rogers too. Totally forgot about this!
Besides the quarter meal that we had as well, I ordered myself the Tangy Chicken Spaghetti for RM14.90. With a hint of spiciness.. find it kinda 'too sour' to my liking ;P

the below pics were not captured with my new 'baby' LoL Compare the differences!

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Chocolate and Vanilla muffins

My new semester has commences and most probably I won't be able to crawl for food as diligently.Well... maybe it'll be exceptional on weekends! On the other weekdays.. I'll have to survive on my uni's cafeteria's food! Oh god :(

An Announcement

Dear Readers and Friends!

For your information, WMW, Jackson, Teckiee and Precious Pea have participated in the Drive For Food Contest organized by the Star. They were in the finals and had produced 2 videos for submission. The task given was to produce a travelogue based on an 8-hour journey from KL to Penang. Along the way, they are supposed to introduce places of interest and of course, places to eat too.

The videos are now uploaded in The Star Online for voting. Each person can only vote once for the best 3 videos. So please consider voting for Fantastic 4 and AppleCrumbleTeam (ACT), the first 2 videos you see on the page HERE

The votes will contribute 20% out of their total score :)

Alternatively, please click here:

Help spread the words ya! as... they represent the food bloggers! :)

Your support is very much appreciated!

Vote Now! thanks ;)

statement and pic grabbed from Precious Pea~ ;P You don't mind rite? LoL


L'abeille November 14, 2007 at 9:27 AM  

Fuyooo..your Roast chicken pictures made me hungry early in the morning... erghhh I'm chewing on a piece of whole wheat bread..sob sob

KellytheCulinarian November 14, 2007 at 9:37 AM  

That chicken meal looks delicious! I love chicken and would eat it at every meal if I could.

Xiu Long Bao November 14, 2007 at 10:12 AM  

I love their muffins!

ling239 November 14, 2007 at 11:38 AM  

well... if the cafeteria food is so bad, maybe you should consider bringing homemade sandwiches with u ? ^_^

Big Boys Oven November 14, 2007 at 1:37 PM  

I always find kenny rogers a bit expensive. heheheh

Sugar Bean November 14, 2007 at 2:31 PM  

It's been a long time since I last visit Kenny Rogers. Time to visit there again! Is their muffin really good? Gonna try that out next time!

yammylicious November 14, 2007 at 4:11 PM  

eww.. ytd i just visited kenny rogers.. but i ordered ntg from thr.. and now i'm start craving for it!!

daphne November 14, 2007 at 6:04 PM  

hhee..ya man! kenny rogers, though expensive their food is good! mmmm

wmw November 14, 2007 at 9:08 PM  

Hey Christine, thanks for the support!

ai wei November 15, 2007 at 1:57 AM  

love their muffins, always~

i find that lots kenny rogers outlets in KL are real disappointing.

Precious Pea November 15, 2007 at 8:18 AM  

Christine, thanks for helping us draw votes. :) Hugz!

HairyBerry November 15, 2007 at 8:21 AM  

kenny rogers used to be so affordable and nice...i think the portions are smaller now, and more expensive too! but i still like their coleslaw :>

Anonymous November 15, 2007 at 9:58 AM  

The Tangy Spaghetti sounds and looks like Mee Rebus! Is it? :P

Anonymous November 15, 2007 at 3:30 PM  

yeah fast food is the best choice at Genting hehe

~Christine~Leng November 15, 2007 at 7:44 PM  

haha.. having wheat bread in the morning is healthy ;P You can consider having Kenny Rogers as lunch? ;D Yikes.. I'm making myself hungry too!

Kelly mahoney~
I like having chicken too but prefer not to have it at every meal ;P The high calories.. hehe.

xiu long bao~
yes. they're delicious! but somehow not as good as the previous years'. Still ok tho.. ;P

yea. maybe I should. My uni have changed the person in charge of the cafeteria now. Better food but more expensive :(

big boys oven~
haha.. Think they've increased their price. but everything seems expensive nowadays! lol

yea! U guys should try! ;)

why ordered nothing? not bad ma.. haha.

agree. after so many years, they're still at a popular demand, but I think their portion has become smaller.. ;P

no prob! :) Win..! lol

is it? including the one we used to have at Leisure? haha

precious pea~
no prob gal. Hope you guys win!

totally agree with you :)*nod nod*
smaller portion, higher price.

It looked like.. haha. But it doesn't taste like definitely! ;P

*high 5* *piak!* ;)

New Kid on the Blog November 15, 2007 at 8:48 PM  

Wow!! You rock!!!! Yes!!! They will win!!!

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