~Brought up 2 SharE~

"Remember to Remember"

Mid-Autumn Festival - a Reminiscence

candle light

Every year, the mid-autumn festival a.k.a the Mooncake Festival is celebrated with such excitable atmosphere and marked as one of the memorable celebration. However, this year...the declining moods and lack of family togetherness have caused the diminished deposition of merriness.
The best mooncake festival celebration that I ever had was of course during the younger days.
Being naive and not worrying about daily happenings, lighting up candles all over and running around with pretty lanterns! I missed that!

My dear parents went honeymoon-ing in Macau to count down to their 23rd Anniversary! *sweet* Due to this sweet event, my parents, the hosts are not present to organize the yearly celebration with the aunts and uncles...
So... left me with my brothers, grandpa and luckily Chris will be joining us for dinner :)
A small celebration. No extra activity. Nestled at home quietly. Waiting for mom and dad to be back midnight!

During weekends, bro and his gal celebrated in advance and I joined them for that little moment. Lighten up our garden beautifully with lanterns, playing with candles --- reminds me the past events.

Bro made tea :)

Not having any mooncakes on this yearly celebration will be like the missing jigsaw in a puzzle :) Complete it with the well-known Chinese delights! Various types of mooncakes are available these days, incorporating new flavour, but I still prefer the mooncakes of undisputed origin. The classic ones...

The collections on our tea-table

Mini Shanghai Mooncakes from Malacca! also known as the Egg Yolk Pies

These are cute! another mini version :) with compact fillings of dried coconuts.

Love the double yolk TaiThong Mooncake. I heart them.

The piggies from Aunt Stacy! Aren't they adorable?? Can't afford to land my teeth on them..

Mini snowskin mooncakes

The mini Snowskin mooncakes of distinct flavour by Berry Cakehouse. The rapsberry with green bean just tasted so wise! But... it's missing in the pic. Well.. It's already in my stomach. *giggle*

Although there were occurrence of the distressing moods, lacking of the strong "flavour" of the celebration but with the presence of loved ones... contentment overwrites them :)

Celebrate it with your loved ones!
Treasure the moment!

Happy Mooncake Festival everyone!

Mid-Autumn Festival is in the air


Anonymous September 25, 2007 at 9:38 AM  

happy moon cake festival!! am not havin any celebratiobn this yr SOBZ

Anonymous September 25, 2007 at 10:51 AM  

Yay, celebrating with my family tonight. But most probably without any lanterns though. :(

MeiyeN September 25, 2007 at 11:35 AM  

happy mid-autumn festival to you and your family! ;)

ai wei September 25, 2007 at 12:05 PM  

happy mid autumn festival~

*hehe* i remembered ur parents wedding anniversary jz a few days after my parents' one.
happy 23rd anniversary to ur parents ya.

ur post made me think back of days when i was kid. love the warmth feeling being with family and celebrated this festival with them. together lighted up the candle and burned the lantern. wahaha, so much fun.

sigh, no lantern this yr...

velix September 25, 2007 at 12:12 PM  

why all no lanterns? haha..this year who banned playing lanterns?

Anonymous September 25, 2007 at 12:28 PM  

Happy Mid Autumn Festival! Same as Citygal, I'm not having any celebration... but there's a birthday party :p

ling239 September 25, 2007 at 4:58 PM  

Happy Mid Autumn Festival to u ~
i remember having the small type with chicken floss filling which is very delicious but cant remember where it comes from... =.="

~Christine~Leng September 25, 2007 at 9:44 PM  

Happy Mooncake Festival/ Mid Autumn Festival everyone!! with best regards to you and your family!!

why not? not going back to hometown? Nvm... can have a small celebration with kampungboy :) cheer up & hav fun!

Good for you. Great to spend time with family :)
no lanterns? nvm.. you still have your family's company! but... the atmosphere will be greater if there're lanterns ;) you want some? I've lots! :D

me too! A tradition that should be carry on.. Mooncake and lanterns!

Thanks gal. Hope you'll have a great celebration with your family as well.

oya.. Happy belated anniversary to your parents 2! Just a few days gap :)
U r right... those memories were just unforgettable! Can't really get those feelings back rite? Lacking somehow. No lanterns? you want some? I've a lot! lol ;P

weelick~ Lanterns lacking these days! ;P
U have lanterns boh?? Too bad you guys didn't come today... or else aiwei can play with the tanglungs this year!

that's good enough. Birthday celebration cum mooncake festival. Can take the opportunity to celebrate them together :)

with chicken floss? wow.. that's pretty special. have not heard of it before. Perhaps I could try that out! Thx ;)

Sugar Bean September 27, 2007 at 2:01 AM  

happy mid autumn festival! i have the same feeling as u do, i miss those times when i was playing lanterns and candles with my family. but the feeling has somehow gone. anyway, beautiful lanterns, nice photos!!

Precious Pea September 27, 2007 at 2:03 PM  

Happy belated mooncake festival. Aiyoo...overdosed of mooncake oledi.

~Christine~Leng September 28, 2007 at 3:14 PM  

yeah... hard to get those feeling back rite? anyhow.. hope you've enjoyed urself!

precious pea~
Thanks. Had a great celebration?? haha... how much u had? how many boxes? lol

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